As I have been retired for some time, weblinks about me continue to lapse or expire (perhaps fortunately). However some still seem to be active and here are some of them:
An early interest of mine was in the mathematics of Catastrophe Theory, working with the great late Professor Sir Christopher Zeeman FRS. Two papers were published on catastrophe theory and prison riots. Christopher Zeeman wrote the version for the British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology and a year later I wrote a version for the British Journal of Criminology:
EC Zeeman, CS Hall, PJ Harrison, GH Marriage and PH Shapland (1976) A model for institutional disturbances
B J Math Stat Psychol vol 29 pp. 66-80
EC Zeeman, CS Hall, PJ Harrison, GH Marriage and PH Shapland (1977) A model for prison disturbances
Brit J Criminol vol 17 No 3 pp. 251-263
but this work was not without controversy:
- Applying Catastrophe Theory to prison disturbances
letter to the New Scientist22nd July 1976
Later I had responsibility for animal welfare, including seals and dangerous dogs:
- The Conservation of Seals (England) (No. 2) Order 1990
- Dangerous Dogs Act 1991
The Dangerous Dogs Act is often joked about as being being poor, ill-thought-out and knee-jerk legislation. A careful evaluation carried out by the Department of Government at the London School of Economics shows that this is far from the case:
Assessing the Dangerous Dogs Act: When does regulatory Law Fail?
C Hood, R Baldwin and H Rothstein (2000) Public Law (Summer) pp. 282-305 Sweet & Maxwell
When I moved across to probation, I was responsible for the implementation in England and Wales of Electronic Monitoring, or tagging as it is popularly known. One version of the story is told (after a fashion) here
- Policy Transfer and Criminal Justice
Trevor Jones & Tim Newburn, 2006
These are other tagging links:
- Criminals face transatlantic tags
The Independent
Nick Cohen, 14 May 1994 - Tagging of offenders poised to return
The Independent
Jason Bennetto, 5 May 1994 - Electronic monitoring in practice: the second year of the trials of curfew orders
Home Office Research Study 177
Ed Mortimer and Chris May, 1997
I was very pleased that, while I was the Home Office Regional Director for the South East, the South East region became the safest part of the UK:
- Crime Statistics show South East is safest region once again
Government News and Press Releases
22nd July 2004
I also did quite a lot of work on
- domestic violence
- South East regional Crime Director announces new approach to tackle domestic violence
Government News and Press Releases
24th November, 2003 - Domestic Violence: Break the Chain
Home Office Multi Agency Guidance, 2000
- South East regional Crime Director announces new approach to tackle domestic violence
- race equality
- address on Milton Keynes resident Anant Vyas
Community Ambassadors Leadership Programme
29th March 2004
- address on Milton Keynes resident Anant Vyas
- sex offenders
- Circles of support and accountability for sex offenders in England and Wales
origins and implementation between 1999-2005
Sheffield Hallam University, 2009
- Circles of support and accountability for sex offenders in England and Wales
- car crime
- Safer Vehicles – Safer Streets
A Strategy to Reduce Motorcrime
Thames Valley Partnership, February 2003
- Safer Vehicles – Safer Streets
Here is something from Hastings, from the years when I chaired the Hastings and St Leonards Foreshore Charitable Trust:
And, finally, here I am playing the Last Post at South Pool in 2011 in half a gale (so some notes seem to have got lost).