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Oversteps Books

Oversteps Books

In 2007, Anne Born, the first Managing Editor and owner of Oversteps Books, invited Alwyn to submit a collection, which Anne then published as Touching Earth. Anne later commissioned Alwyn to produce a book of winter and Christmas poems which was published as festo, after Anne’s death.

When Anne became ill, Alwyn visited her and asked if she could do anything to help. Anne had decided by this stage that she wanted Alwyn to take over Oversteps as Managing Editor which, after initial hesitation because of her other commitments, Alwyn did in 2008. Since then, for many years, Alwyn published between eight and ten new poetry collections a year. As Managing Editor of Oversteps, Alwyn also published Anne Born’s final book, co-authored with Glen Phillips, Singing Granites.

Here’s an article about Oversteps in the Western Morning News and Alwyn also did a piece on Exeter’s Bla Bla show.


Note about Oversteps Books:

Oversteps Books Ltd, registered company number 06849758, is owned by Alwyn Marriage, who is the Managing Editor. The registered address is 6 Halwell House, South Pool, Kingsbridge, Devon TQ7 2RX, UK.

Oversteps Books was founded by Anne Born in 1992 and has been owned by Alwyn Marriage since 2008.

The Oversteps website is This gives details of those Oversteps books which are still in print as well as brief details about the poets. Oversteps Books is no longer accepting submissions.

If you wish to contact Alwyn about any issue to do with Oversteps Books, like seeking permission to publish copyright material, please do so either through the Oversteps website or using contact Alwyn on this website.

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